

Why do Orthodontists Charge Different Fees for Braces?

Apr 24 • 5 minute read

Why do Orthodontists Charge Different Fees for Braces?

Braces are one of those situations in life in which the ends justify the means. The process can be time-consuming and uncomfortable, but the end result of a beautiful, healthy smile is typically well worth the journey.

For many patients (or parents, in the case of patients who are kids), the financial requirements for braces are a major concern. It certainly doesn't help the decision making process when you start meeting with orthodontists and discover that each one provides you a different price.

Like most dental treatments and other medical procedures, braces are different for every patient,= and so are the fees associated with braces. To help you understand why the prices vary so greatly, we've broken down some of the key factors that affect your fees for braces.

What Affects the Fees for Braces?

There are over 4 million Americans with braces today and each of them is probably paying a different price.  Here are just a few of the factors that will affect the cost:

Degree and Type of Correction You Need

One of the most important indicators of your orthodontics costs is how severe your treatment will be. There are several different reasons for this.

1.      If you have overcrowded teeth or a severe overbite/underbite, you may need additional procedures.  Extractions are a common requirement as part of dental alignment.  There are also the rare patients who need jaw surgery.

2.      The longer period of time you are required to wear braces, the more adjustments you'll need.  The average patient will have their braces tightened or adjusted every six weeks. It makes sense that a patient who needs four orthodontist visits over six months will pay less than someone who needs sixteen visits throughout two years.

3.      All the materials used in your braces cost money, from the metal to the rubber bands. The more equipment required to achieve your end result, the higher your financial investment will be.

4.      If your condition is particularly unique or severe, you may need a more specialized orthodontist with experience treating your specific condition. As with any medical specialty, the more specialized a doctor is, the more their services will cost.

Approach the Orthodontist Uses

Another reasons different orthodontists may have different fees for braces is that each doctor may use a different approach.   Like many other medical treatments, dental alignment can often be completed in a "slow and steady" manner or a faster, more aggressive approach. Your orthodontist's treatment plan will determine the materials and office visits that are involved, thus affecting your price tag.

In addition to the fees for braces, orthodontists may also take different diagnostic approaches as well. For example, an orthodontist with a more advanced cutting-edge x-ray machine will probably charge more than an orthodontist using simpler, more traditional x-rays. 

Orthodontists also utilize different types of materials with their treatment plans. If your doctor uses higher-quality materials, that added cost will be passed along to you.

Type of Braces You Choose

Depending on your specific alignment, you'll probably have a few options for braces that will impact your cost.  For most patients, the key choice is between Invisalign clear braces (or a similar product) and traditional metal braces.  Invisalign is usually preferred from a cosmetic perspective.  However, these clear aligners can't be adjusted like metal braces are, so each step of the process requires a new set. This makes it a more expensive option!


This is a major cost-affecting factor that few patients consider. Healthcare costs vary with costs of living, so orthodontists in one area may have drastically different prices than those in other areas  This isn't just referring to California vs. Pennsylvania.  Even within the same metro area, an orthodontist in an affluent neighborhood or in the heart of a city will probably cost more than an orthdontist in a more suburban or rural area.

Orthodontic Expertise

You usually receive what you pay for when it comes to medical care, and that includes fees for braces.  Not all orthodontists are equal in their abilities and quality of treatment.  It's important to make sure you only consider a board-certified orthodontist.  Even among these, there is a huge variation in the experience and skill levels of the orthodontic providers. 

It's simple supply and demand!  The more experienced orthodontists (or those who can treat more complex cases) will cost more. For many patients, the extra financial investment is worth the peace of mind and the higher quality end result.  This rule doesn't just apply to the orthodontist, but to the rest of the staff as well. An orthodontic office with a large, experienced staff will have higher payroll costs, and this translates to a higher cost for patients.  As with an experienced orthodontist, an all-star orthodontic staff is often worth the extra cost.

Insurance Details

If your insurance plan covers the fees for braces (at least to some degree), this can make your costs vary as well.  Orthodontic practices and insurance companies negotiate pricing back and forth, which means your out-of-pocket fees can vary widely from one practice to another.  If you do have insurance that will cover at least a portion of your orthodontic costs, it's important to find out ahead of time whether your orthodontist is in your network (or what other type of arrangement your orthodontist has with your insurance provider).  You will want to keep in mind that insurance payments vary from plan to plan within the same insurance carrier as well. You may have a friend who paid a certain amount for their child's braces and has the same insurance company as you do, but your end cost could be very different.

Planning for Braces

As you can see, there are many factors that affect how much you'll pay for braces. The list above isn't comprehensive by any means, but it includes the factors that have the greatest impact on your price tag.

Ultimately, the only way to know how much you'll pay for braces is to visit an orthodontist for a consultation.  You will want to keep in mind that costs can also change throughout the course of your treatment, as your teeth may respond more or less than expected.

Ordahl Orthodontics is widely recognized a leading provider of braces in Colorado Springs and the Eastern Colorado region.  If you're ready to take that next step towards a straighter smile, we encourage you to schedule a free orthodontic consultation with us!

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